Pirkhali Pathikrit

Teachers Training Programme

One of our important challenges was to develop a qualified work force of special educators and create a work environment for them that can sustain involvement and commitment. This motivated us to start a diploma course on August 12, 2007, which saw the inauguration of the TEACHERS TRAINING PROGRAMME with the introduction of a year-long certificate course in Special Education (for teaching the Intellectually Disabled and Hearing Impaired).

Debendranath Mondal (D. N. Mondal) College is the recognized teacher training institute recognized by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), which is a statutory body under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities. The courses offered are:

  1. Bachelor in Education Special Education (Mental Retardation) B.Ed.SE (MR)
  2. Diploma in Education Special Education (Mental Retardation) D.Ed.SE (MR)
  3. Diploma in Education Special Education (Hearing Impairment) D.Ed.SE (HI)

On completion of the course, the trainee teacher will be eligible for the following jobs: 

  1. Special educator in special school
  2. Special educator in inclusive set –up/regular school
  3. Special educator in a clinical / hospital set-up
  4. Special educator in Govt. Schools under the SSA/DSSSB programme
  5. As a regular teacher in schools (2 yrs Diploma Programmes in special education in MR and DHH / HI are equivalent to JBT/DIET).
  6. The trainee teacher will be fully trained to work in the home based training or open own center.

The Idea behind such kind of Education programmes is to develop professionals for special and inclusive education within a broad perspective of education, which Pirkhali Pathikrit felt during its endeavour. The programme intends to educate and train the aspirants to become agents of change as teaching-professionals by imbibing the required knowledge, skills and positive attitude. The education and training will enable them to seek out and sharpen the talents in the children with disability. It will also catalyze the realization that special education is all about child centric good quality education. The course gave special preference to those from rural backgrounds and from economically weaker sections of society.

Examination of both D.Ed. Spl. Ed. (MR & DHH) are conducted by National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD) and Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilities (Divyangjan)(AYJNISHD) Semester wise. Similarly, the B.Ed. Spl. Ed. (MR) is conducted by the University of Calcutta. For the last 4 years we have also appointed the Evaluators for the Diploma Course. Some of our faculties have been appointed as exam paper setters as well.

We have currently 196 students with special needs enrolled in this centre. Our training is very comprehensive and exhaustive and so our students are highly sought after by other educational institute and NGOs.

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